Tuesday, August 4, 2009

The New American Sport Finds Competition

After centuries of baseball holding strong as the true American pastime, it has been clear for nearly a decade now that a new sport is in town: football.

While the NFL is something I consider to be the pinnacle of entertainment, it does have its flaws. Games take too long, officiating can be spotty, and a fair share of our beloved players spend years in jail. But thank goodness for capitalism!

The NFL should surely fix up its poor flaws and its foibles once another league starts showing it up, right? Right?

Oh, never mind. I've just been informed the NFL has a pretty tight stranglehold on the football market in America (and London, kind of). And perfect, the word has come down that the Arena Football League will fold and declare bankruptcy, leaving the NFL alone as the only nationally televised football league in the United States.

Hopefully that won't be true for long. As much as I love my New England Patriots and the NFL, I'm also a big fan of competition (I like sports, who would've guessed). Thankfully, a new show is set to be in town this fall with its very own start up, 8 game season. That's right, folks! The UFL is in town!

This tiny league is near and dear to my heart thanks to the possibility of a team set in my state's capital of Hartford. But in all seriousness, the ramifications of another football league could do great things for football in America.

In baseball, we have a minor league system in which players develop their skills until they can perform at a higher level. The UFL, in the very least, can operate as a form of skill development for players who cannot find jobs at the NFL level. Overall, we could see a high level of talent develop in the NFL as more and more players compete at the professional level, developing their skills, and pushing one another to be better.

I have high hopes for the league and encourage everyone at their to attend a game if one is taking place in their city this season. If you love sports, I know you love competition, and who knows what could happen if the UFL and NFL compete. Personally, I only see good things and hope you all get a chance to enjoy more football than ever this year.


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